

Welcome to the KeyReply Developer Documentation V1! Our API and webhooks enable you to build custom solutions on top of the KeyReply platform.

Key features available in V1:


To access the API, you must first enable the Developer menu in Settings -> Developer. Here, you can configure access for incoming requests and outgoing event hooks.

Getting Started

To integrate with the KeyReply API, you'll need:

  1. Enable the Developer menu in Settings -> Developer 1-enable-developer-module
  2. Provide your development team with:
    • This API documentation
    • API key from Settings -> Developer
    • KeyReply dashboard URL for testing and debugging


The base URL for all KeyReply API endpoints is:


If the Developer menu is not enabled, the API will return a 403 status with this message:

  "errors": "Incoming request is disabled"


Incoming Requests

Replace x-api-key with your API key from the dashboard.

# Basic request
curl "api_endpoint_here" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

# Request with idempotency key
curl "api_endpoint_here" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f" \
  -H "Idempotency-Key: kZmFzZ"

Invalid API key will result in a 401 status:

  "message": "Unauthorized"

Duplicate requests in process will return a 409 status:

  "message": "Request already processed"

Rate limit exceeded will return a 423 status:

  "message": "You have requested too many times. Please wait a moment."

API Key Authentication

KeyReply uses API keys to authenticate requests. Include your API key in the header of all requests to the server, as shown in the examples above.

Administrators can manage API keys through the dashboard. Each integration partner should be assigned their own unique API key.


Idempotent Requests

Our API supports idempotency to prevent duplicate operations when retrying failed requests. This is particularly useful when network issues occur and you don't receive a response. For example, if a message send request fails due to network error, you can safely retry using the same idempotency key to ensure the message is sent exactly once.

To make an idempotent request, add the Idempotency-Key: <key> header to your request.

Rate Limit

For security, each API key is limited to 600 requests per minute. Exceeding this limit will result in an error response.

Outgoing Requests

When receiving webhook events from KeyReply, implement these security measures:

Virtual Assistant (VA)

Use this endpoint for your visitors to send messages to our Virtual Assistant (VA) and get responses back. You can parse the response according to your application's needs. The response from VA is configured through your dashboard settings (e.g., content node setting, trigger setting, FAQ setting).

All requests for VA begin with /virtual-assistant

Send Message

curl -X POST [API_URL]/virtual-assistant/message
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f" \
  -d '{
    "sender": {
      "id": "613b5897-062e-40ba-bf49-ebda02a95475"
    "recipient": {
      "id": ""
    "message": {
      "text": "hi",
      "isPreview": false,
      "id": "ckrg7bcrt00043h6cxm2to7ot"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure. You should parse the content inside response according to your application needs. Every response might contain multiple contents from VA.

  "response": [
      "content": [
          "text": "Welcome to KeyReply. How can I help you today?",
          "buttons": [
              "text": "Service Information",
              "type": "event",
              "event": "goto",
              "data": "appointment booking_choose department"
              "text": "Talk to an agent",
              "type": "event",
              "event": "goto",
              "data": "singpass_login"
              "text": "Appointment Booking",
              "type": "event",
              "event": "goto",
              "data": "appointment booking_welcome message"
      "listStyle": null,
      "quickReplies": [
          "text": "Myinfo",
          "event": "goto",
          "data": "singpass_myinfo"
          "text": "Login",
          "event": "goto",
          "data": "singpass_login"
      "options": {
        "disableTextInput": false,
        "feedbackCollectionMode": "default",
        "nodeId": "conversation_start"
      "meta": {
        "hideSuggestions": false,
        "lang": "default"

Send message to virtual assistant and get a response based on settings configured on your KeyReply dashboard.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

POST [API_URL]/virtual-assistant/message


Parameter Mandatory Description Example Value required unique visitor id from your application VISITOR007 required identifier from your application
message.text required the chat / text to be send Hello world!
message.isPreview optional whether VA should use preview content (if using maker checker module) true optional the chat id from your application ckrg7bcrt00043h6cxm2to7ot

Send Postback Message

curl -X POST [API_URL]/virtual-assistant/message
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f" \
  -d '{
    "id": "ckrg6vjyo00003h6cpaxlqo9i",
    "sender": {
      "id": "90d2874e-60f3-4568-88f6-4f59120206a6",
      "session_id": "d4020f73-2d0c-409d-8198-4f7b6c350765"
    "recipient": {
      "id": ""
    "postback": {
      "event": "goto",
      "data": "conversation_start",
      "isPreview": false,
      "options": {}

Successful request will return the following JSON structure. You should parse the content inside response according to your application needs. Every response might contain multiple contents from VA.

  "response": [
      "content": [
          "text": "Welcome to KeyReply. How can I help you today?",
          "buttons": [
              "text": "Service Information",
              "type": "event",
              "event": "goto",
              "data": "appointment booking_choose department"
              "text": "Talk to an agent",
              "type": "event",
              "event": "goto",
              "data": "singpass_login"
              "text": "Appointment Booking",
              "type": "event",
              "event": "goto",
              "data": "appointment booking_welcome message"
      "listStyle": null,
      "quickReplies": [
          "text": "Myinfo",
          "event": "goto",
          "data": "singpass_myinfo"
          "text": "Login",
          "event": "goto",
          "data": "singpass_login"
      "options": {
        "disableTextInput": false,
        "feedbackCollectionMode": "default",
        "nodeId": "conversation_start"
      "meta": {
        "hideSuggestions": false,
        "lang": "default"

Send postback message to virtual assistant and get a response back. A postback message is a type of request to execute an event. This is typically used after a visitor selects a button or quick reply.

For example, if you want visitors to get greetings from the chatbot, you can request an event "goto" with data "conversational_start". This will make VA respond with "conversational_start" content to your application. If you want visitors to be escalated to live chat, you can request an event "handover_start". This will make VA start the live chat flow and respond with the appropriate content node.

For a full list of events and data, please check your dashboard.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

POST [API_URL]/virtual-assistant/message


Parameter Mandatory Description Example Value required unique visitor id from your application VISITOR007 required identifier from your application
postback.event required event to be executed goto optional data for the event conversation_start
postback.isPreview optional whether VA should use preview content (if using maker checker module) true
postback.options optional additional options ckrg7bcrt00043h6cxm2to7ot


Sessions are chat session data initiated by visitors to the KeyReply webchat.

All requests for session data begin with /sessions.

Get All Sessions

curl "[API_URL]/sessions?fromDate=2022-08-01&toDate=2022-08-31" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "count": 2175,
  "results": [
      "id": 45501,
      "sessionId": "d5dfee60-2137-4cb2-b84a-3c3ddc106dc3",
      "stateId": "8a085c67-f8d7-4287-b6e3-e20faff1fdb3",
      "statePartitionKey": "localhost",
      "createdAt": "2022-08-23T05:00:51.466Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-08-23T05:01:39.923Z",
      "expireAt": "2022-08-23T05:01:37.916Z"
      "id": 45502,
      "sessionId": "5baf2927-48be-43dd-96a9-efb6114fad7c",
      "stateId": "26846d9b-2e50-47f2-a7d7-f28483eef07b",
      "statePartitionKey": "localhost",
      "createdAt": "2022-08-23T05:01:40.397Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-08-23T05:04:32.715Z",
      "expireAt": "2022-08-23T05:04:30.713Z"

This endpoint retrieves all sessions based on specified conditions.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/sessions

Query Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Default Description
fromDate required ISO 8601 format (ex: 2022-08-01)
toDate required ISO 8601 format (ex: 2022-08-31)
sort optional desc "asc" (ascending) or "desc" (descending)
limit optional 100 max number of data that will be returned
offset optional 0 offset of data that will be returned
stateId optional filter sessions by state id

Get a Specific Session

curl "[API_URL]/sessions/d5dfee60-2137-4cb2-b84a-3c3ddc106dc3" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "id": 45501,
  "sessionId": "d5dfee60-2137-4cb2-b84a-3c3ddc106dc3",
  "stateId": "8a085c67-f8d7-4287-b6e3-e20faff1fdb3",
  "statePartitionKey": "localhost",
  "createdAt": "2022-08-23T05:00:51.466Z",
  "updatedAt": "2022-08-23T05:01:39.923Z",
  "expireAt": "2022-08-23T05:01:37.916Z"

This endpoint retrieves a specific session.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/session/:sessionId

End / Renew Chat Session

curl -X POST [API_URL]/sessions/720e983c-9e51-48a2-9765-812bc46dfaf8/localhost/end
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "id": 49418,
  "sessionId": "720e983c-9e51-48a2-9765-812bc46dfaf8",
  "stateId": "f7f44a01-29ed-409e-9730-5eb3251be4c0",
  "statePartitionKey": "localhost",
  "createdAt": "2022-09-23T06:09:38.460Z",
  "updatedAt": "2022-09-23T06:09:38.539Z",
  "expireAt": "2023-03-22T06:09:38.539Z"

Use this endpoint to force end a visitor's chat session and create a new one.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

POST [API_URL]/sessions/:sessionId/:partitionKey

Path Parameters

Parameter Example Description
sessionId 720e983c-9e51-48a2-9765-812bc46dfaf8 The unique ID of the session
partitionKey localhost The partition key for session


Visitor data consists of profile information about visitors, similar to what is shown on the "Visitors" tab. This data includes all information captured from content nodes or during chat sessions.

The data displayed via the visitor API is configurable.


All requests for visitor data should begin with /states.

If you are using a statically typed language, please be aware that the data returned from this API might have different fields for each request, depending on what users have configured on the Dashboard.

Get All Visitors

curl "[API_URL]/states?fromDate=2022-08-01&toDate=2022-08-31" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "count": 15,
  "results": [
      "RowKey": "e229a5cd-8bfc-44d3-99cc-589dcc8af1c6",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "session_id": "c98817d2-ed3b-4162-b865-bbe66ae831a0",
      "userQueryTopic": "department A"

This endpoint retrieves all states based on specified conditions, similar to what is shown on KeyReply Dashboard -> Visitors tab.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/states

Query Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Default Description Example
fromDate required ISO 8601 format 2022-08-01
toDate required ISO 8601 format 2022-08-31
sort optional desc "asc" (ascending) or "desc" (descending) desc
limit optional 100 max number of data that will be returned 10
offset optional 0 offset of data that will be returned 10
PartitionKey optional filter by PartitionKey
channel optional filter by channel webchat

Get Specific Visitor

curl "[API_URL]/states/5db0d549-c45a-439d-af6a-ab91aa85eaf0" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

    "RowKey": "5db0d549-c45a-439d-af6a-ab91aa85eaf0",
    "PartitionKey": "localhost",
    "last_modified": "2022-09-21T06:20:14.153Z",
    "date_created": "2022-09-21T04:30:45.472Z",
    "channel": "webchat",
    "entities": "{}",
    "department": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "source": "webchat",

This endpoint retrieves a single visitor (state) object.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/states/:PartitionKey/:RowKey

Path Parameters

Parameter Description Example
PartitionKey domain / origin of the widget where visitor open the webchat
RowKey the rowkey of the visitor webchat

Update Visitor Data

curl -X POST [API_URL]/localhost/2c6a0cd1-863f-4e7e-bc7d-fcc3d4b34f9e/private_variables
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f" \
  -d '{"name":"John Doe"}'

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "RowKey": "2c6a0cd1-863f-4e7e-bc7d-fcc3d4b34f9e",
  "PartitionKey": "localhost",
  "externalData": {
    "name": "John Doe"
  ... // other visitor's existing data

Set visitor data. For security purposes, all of your data will be stored under "externalData".

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

POST [API_URL]/states/:PartitionKey/:RowKey/private_variables

Path Parameters

Parameter Example Description
RowKey 2c6a0cd1-863f-4e7e-bc7d-fcc3d4b34f9e The state RowKey
PartitionKey localhost the state PartitionKey


Parameter Mandatory Description Example Value
[key] required any { key: value } can be stored into visitor data, under key externalData [value]

Send Reply to Specific Visitor

curl -X POST [API_URL]/localhost/2c6a0cd1-863f-4e7e-bc7d-fcc3d4b34f9e/reply
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f" \
  -d '{"message":"Bot replied."}'

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "id": "cl8b75ubl0049n6oq1758hp4x",
  "success": true

This endpoint sends a reply message to a specific visitor.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

POST [API_URL]/states/:PartitionKey/:RowKey/reply

Path Parameters

Parameter Description Example
PartitionKey Domain/origin of the widget where visitor opened the webchat
RowKey The RowKey of the visitor webchat


Parameter Mandatory Description Example Value
message required message text Hi, replied from bot.


Interactions are data containing chat messages that appear in the webchat widget.

All requests for interaction data begin with /interactions.

Get Interactions

curl "[API_URL]/interactions?fromDate=2022-08-01&toDate=2022-08-31" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "count": 171,
  "results": [
      "RowKey": "cl8b75ubl0049n6oq1758hp4x",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "last_modified": "2022-09-21T05:41:02.529Z",
      "date_created": "2022-09-21T05:41:02.529Z",
      "source": "webchat",
      "type": "reply",
      "user_id": "2c6a0cd1-863f-4e7e-bc7d-fcc3d4b34f9e",
      "session": "59e6e15f-080d-4007-82bc-3591b9808c96",
      "data": {
        "content": [
            "text": "Agent Yudha has joined the chat.",
            "buttons": []
        "listStyle": null,
        "options": {
          "disableTextInput": false,
          "feedbackCollectionMode": "default",
          "nodeId": "handover_livechat_agent_join"
        "meta": {
          "hideSuggestions": false,
          "lang": "default"

This endpoint retrieves all interactions based on specified conditions

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/interactions

Query Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Default Description Example
fromDate required ISO 8601 format 2022-08-01
toDate required ISO 8601 format 2022-08-31
sort optional desc "asc" (ascending) or "desc" (descending) desc
limit optional 100 Maximum number of records to return 10
offset optional 0 Number of records to skip 10
type optional Filter by interaction type message
PartitionKey optional Filter by PartitionKey
userId optional Filter by user ID 5db0d549-c45a-439d-af6a-ab91aa85eaf0
session optional Filter by session ID d5dfee60-2137-4cb2-b84a-3c3ddc106dc3

Dashboard Users

This section details the data related to users on the KeyReply dashboard.

All requests associated with dashboard users should begin with /dashboard-users.

Get All Dashboard Users

curl "[API_URL]/dashboard-users" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

A successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "count": 26,
  "results": [
      "email": "",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "data": "{\"app_metadata\":{\"departments\":[\"customer service\",\"claims\"],\"permissions\":[\"admin\"],\"roles\":[\"admin\"]},\"user_metadata\":{\"name\":\"John Doe\"}}",
      "livechat_status": "OFFLINE",
      "dashboard_status": "ONLINE",
      "livechat_settings": {
        "queues": [
            "customer service"
        "limit": 3

This endpoint retrieves all dashboard users based on the specified filter conditions.

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/dashboard-users

Query Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Default Description Example
sort optional desc "asc" (ascending) or "desc" (descending) desc
limit optional 100 Maximum number of records to return 10
offset optional 0 Number of records to skip 10
email optional Filter by user's email address ""
name optional Filter by user's name "John Doe"
livechat_status optional Filter by live chat status "OFFLINE"
dashboard_status optional Filter by dashboard status "ONLINE"

Agent Status

This section contains data related to live chat agent statuses. The default statuses are "ONLINE" and "OFFLINE". Additional statuses can be configured through the KeyReply dashboard. All requests for this data must begin with /agent-status-sessions.

Get All Agent Status Sessions

curl "[API_URL]/agent-status-sessions?fromDate=2022-09-01&toDate=2022-09-30" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

A successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "count": 5,
  "results": [
      "id": 29395,
      "agentId": "",
      "agent_auth_type": "KEYCLOAK",
      "startTime": "2022-09-21T05:40:35.410Z",
      "endTime": "2022-09-21T05:56:46.037Z",
      "status": "ONLINE",
      "createdAt": "2022-09-21T05:40:35.447Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-09-21T05:56:46.039Z"

This endpoint retrieves all agent statuses based on specified conditions.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/agent-status-sessions

Query Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Default Description Example
fromDate required ISO 8601 format 2022-08-01
toDate required ISO 8601 format 2022-08-31
sort optional desc "asc" (ascending) or "desc" (descending) desc
limit optional 100 Maximum number of records to return 10
offset optional 0 Number of records to skip 10
agentId optional Filter by agent ID ""
status optional Filter by status "OFFLINE"


Livechat sessions are chat sessions that enter livechat mode. This is similar to the data shown on the "Livechat" page.

All requests for livechat session data begin with /livechatsessions.

Get All Livechat Sessions

# Get all livechat sessions for a specific date range
curl "[API_URL]/livechatsessions?fromDate=2022-08-01&toDate=2022-08-31" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

# Get all livechat sessions waiting for assignment
curl "[API_URL]/livechatsessions?fromDate=2022-08-01&toDate=2022-08-31&waiting_for_assignment=true" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

# Get all resolved livechat sessions
curl "[API_URL]/livechatsessions?fromDate=2022-08-01&toDate=2022-08-31&resolved=true" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "count": 1,
  "results": [
      "meta": {},
      "agents": [""],
      "tags": [
      "status": "pending",
      "resolved": false,
      "formData": {
        "channel": "Web Chat"
      "RowKey": "cl8e3ou5o001jp4oqadvzdc8u",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "date_created": "2022-09-23T06:27:08.845Z",
      "last_modified": "2022-09-23T06:27:09.242Z",
      "user_id": "a304194d-e301-4d49-8910-84d3561852ac",
      "sessionId": "3257b6ed-7751-4fce-b37e-b3a1c452799b",
      "startQueueTime": "2022-09-23T06:27:08.845Z",
      "startResolveTime": "2022-09-23T06:27:08.845Z",
      "endResolveTime": null,
      "endedBy": null,
      "department": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "provider": "keyreply",
      "waiting_for_assignment": true

This endpoint retrieves all livechat sessions based on specified conditions.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/livechatsessions

Query Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Default Description Example
fromDate required ISO 8601 format 2022-08-01
toDate required ISO 8601 format 2022-08-31
sort optional desc "asc" (ascending) or "desc" (descending) desc
limit optional 100 Maximum number of records to return 10
offset optional 0 Number of records to skip 10
resolved optional Filter by resolved status true
user_id optional Filter by user ID (visitor RowKey) 5db0d549-c45a-439d-af6a-ab91aa85eaf0
waiting_for_assignment optional Filter by assignment waiting status false
sessionId optional Filter by session ID 3257b6ed-7751-4fce-b37e-b3a1c452799b

Get All Livechat Departments

curl "[API_URL]/livechatsessions/departments" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "count": 2,
  "result": [
      "id": "88cfe361-05e6-4aba-b408-df776109ebf3",
      "name": "customer service",
      "createdAt": "2021-12-13T06:31:21.701Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-12-13T06:31:21.701Z"
      "id": "64b4942f-264e-4427-9beb-ed4012c31adf",
      "name": "customer service priority",
      "createdAt": "2021-12-15T02:44:10.368Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-12-15T02:44:10.368Z"

This endpoint retrieves all departments without any limits or offsets.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/livechatsessions/departments

Query Parameters

There are no query parameters for this API.

Get Specific Livechat Session

curl "[API_URL]/livechatsessions/cl8e3ou5o001jp4oqadvzdc8u" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

    "interactions": [{
            "PartitionKey": "localhost",
            "RowKey": "cl8e3otzl00043b6qsci55alf",
            "user_id": "a304194d-e301-4d49-8910-84d3561852ac",
            "session": "3257b6ed-7751-4fce-b37e-b3a1c452799b",
            "type": "postback",
            "source": "webchat",
            "date_created": "2022-09-23T06:27:08.746Z",
            "Timestamp": "2022-09-23T06:27:08.746Z",
            "data": {
                "content": [{
                    "event": "goto",
                    "data": "handover_livechat_start",
                    "postbackText": "Proceed"

This endpoint retrieves a specific livechat session.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/livechatsessions/:RowKey

Get Queue Information

curl "[API_URL]/livechatsessions/queue-position?RowKey=cl8e3ou5o001jp4oqadvzdc8u" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

curl "[API_URL]/livechatsessions/queue-position?visitorId=7c38dc7b-57f5-4671-9a1d-862100e9f294&PartitionKey=localhost" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "queuePosition": 1, // Visitor's position in queue. Null value means visitor is no longer in queue.
  "estimatedWaitTime": 3 // Waiting time in minutes

This endpoint retrieves queue information for a livechat visitor.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/livechatsessions/queue-position

Query Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Default Description Example
visitorId optional* Visitor ID (required if RowKey not provided) 5db0d549-c45a-439d-af6a-ab91aa85eaf0
PartitionKey optional* Partition key (required if RowKey not provided)
RowKey optional* Livechat session RowKey 3257b6ed-7751-4fce-b37e-b3a1c452799b

Join a Livechat

curl -X POST [API_URL]/livechatsessions/2c6a0cd1-863f-4e7e-bc7d-fcc3d4b34f9e/join
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f" \
  -d '{"agentName":"John Doe", "agentEmail":"", "agentId" : "Y6YXNk"}'

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

    "interactions": [
    "meta": {},
    "agents": [
    "tags": [
    "status": "attending",
    "resolved": false,
    "formData": {
        "channel": "Web Chat"
    "RowKey": "cl8e3ou5o001jp4oqadvzdc8u",
    "PartitionKey": "localhost",
    "date_created": "2022-09-23T06:27:08.845Z",
    "last_modified": "2022-09-23T06:46:36.444Z",
    "user_id": "a304194d-e301-4d49-8910-84d3561852ac",
    "sessionId": "3257b6ed-7751-4fce-b37e-b3a1c452799b",
    "startQueueTime": "2022-09-23T06:27:08.845Z",
    "startResolveTime": "2022-09-23T06:46:36.443Z",
    "endResolveTime": null,
    "endedBy": null,
    "department": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "provider": "keyreply",
    "waiting_for_assignment": false

Set your agent to join a livechat session

Example use case:

HTTP Request

POST [API_URL]/livechatsessions/:RowKey/join

Path Parameters

Parameter Example Description
RowKey cl8e3ou5o001jp4oqadvzdc8u The livechat session RowKey


Parameter Mandatory Description Example Value
agentId required Unique agent ID from your system AGENT007
agentName required Agent name to be shown in livechat message James Bond
agentEmail required Agent email to be shown on audit page

Reply Livechat

curl -X POST [API_URL]/livechatsessions/2c6a0cd1-863f-4e7e-bc7d-fcc3d4b34f9e/reply
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f" \
  -d '{"agentName":"John Doe", "agentEmail":"", "agentId" : "Y6YXNk", "text":"how can I help?"}'

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

// @TODO : update this
  "isInserted": true,
  "pid": 20344,
  "podId": "wealthy_red_swordfish"

Send a reply to a livechat session

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

POST [API_URL]/livechatsessions/:RowKey/reply

Path Parameters

Parameter Example Description
RowKey cl8e3ou5o001jp4oqadvzdc8u The livechat session RowKey


Parameter Mandatory Description Example Value
agentId required Unique agent ID from your system AGENT007
agentName required Agent name to be shown in livechat message James Bond
agentEmail required Agent email to be shown on audit page
message required The message text to be sent Hello world!

End a Livechat

curl -X POST [API_URL]/livechatsessions/2c6a0cd1-863f-4e7e-bc7d-fcc3d4b34f9e/end
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f" \
  -d '{"agentName":"John Doe", "agentEmail":"", "agentId" : "Y6YXNk", "endedBy":"agent"}'

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

    "interactions": [{
            "PartitionKey": "localhost",
            "RowKey": "cl8e3otzl00043b6qsci55alf",
            "user_id": "a304194d-e301-4d49-8910-84d3561852ac",
            "session": "3257b6ed-7751-4fce-b37e-b3a1c452799b",
            "type": "postback",
            "source": "webchat",
            "date_created": "2022-09-23T06:27:08.746Z",
            "Timestamp": "2022-09-23T06:27:08.746Z",
            "data": {
                "content": [{
                    "event": "goto",
                    "data": "handover_livechat_start",
                    "postbackText": "Proceed"

End a livechat session and close the green banner on the web chat

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

POST [API_URL]/livechatsessions/:RowKey/end

Path Parameters

Parameter Example Description
RowKey cl8e3ou5o001jp4oqadvzdc8u The livechat session RowKey


Parameter Mandatory Description Example Value
agentId required Unique agent ID from your system AGENT007
agentName required Agent name to be shown in livechat message James Bond
agentEmail required Agent email to be shown on audit page
endedBy optional Who ended this chat ("agent" or "system"). Defaults to "agent" system

Send File to Livechat

curl -X POST [API_URL]/livechatsessions/2c6a0cd1-863f-4e7e-bc7d-fcc3d4b34f9e/send-file
  -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f" \
  -F "file=@/path/to/file" \
  -F "text=hello" \
  -F "agentName=John Doe" \
  -F "" \
  -F "agentId=Y6YXNk"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "isInserted": true,
  "pid": 6213,
  "podId": "gleaming_bronze_kiwi"

Send a file or image to a livechat session

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

POST [API_URL]/livechatsessions/:RowKey/send-file

Path Parameters

Parameter Example Description
RowKey cl8e3ou5o001jp4oqadvzdc8u The livechat session RowKey


Parameter Mandatory Description Example Value
agentId required Unique agent ID from your system AGENT007
agentName required Agent name to be shown in livechat message James Bond
agentEmail required Agent email to be shown on audit page
file required File content

Retrieve File from Livechat

curl -X GET [API_URL]/request-file?blobName=files/uploads/temp/c1d6abb0-7baa-4d84-a8b8-3967287abc9e/dummy-img.jpg \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "url": ""

Retrieve the file URL from an image or file sent by a user to your system. Accessing the URL directly (e.g. without the additional metadata like above might result in an authentication error.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/livechatsessions/request-file

Query Parameters

Parameter Example Description
blobName files/uploads/temp/c1d6abb0-7baa-4d84-a8b8-3967287abc9e/dummy-img.jpg The blobName or URL found in the user chat

Post Livechat Survey

curl -X POST [API_URL]/livechatsessions/2c6a0cd1-863f-4e7e-bc7d-fcc3d4b34f9e/post-survey \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f" \
  -d '{"agentId":"agent123", "agentEmail":"", "surveyJSON":{"customerName":"John Smith","customerId":"CUS123456","policyNumber":"POL-987654","inquiryType":"Claims","contactNumber":"+65 9123 4567","preferredContactTime":"Morning"}}'

Request Body:

  "agentId": "agent123",
  "agentEmail": "",
  "surveyJSON": {
    "customerName": "John Smith",
    "customerId": "CUS123456",
    "policyNumber": "POL-987654",
    "inquiryType": "Claims",
    "contactNumber": "+65 9123 4567",
    "preferredContactTime": "Morning"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "livechatsessionRowKey": "2c6a0cd1-863f-4e7e-bc7d-fcc3d4b34f9e",
  "success": true

Error Response:

  "message": "Data not found"
  "message": "Agent is not authorized to submit survey for this session"

Submit a post-survey for a livechat session

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

POST [API_URL]/livechatsessions/:RowKey/post-survey

Path Parameters

Parameter Example Description
RowKey cl8e3ou5o001jp4oqadvzdc8u The livechat session RowKey


Parameter Mandatory Description Example Value
agentId required Unique agent ID from your system AGENT007
agentEmail required Agent email to be shown on audit page
surveyJSON required Stringified JSON that will be recorded as survey data {"message": "prospect user"}

Get Livechat Survey Data

curl -X GET [API_URL]/livechatsessions/2c6a0cd1-863f-4e7e-bc7d-fcc3d4b34f9e/post-survey \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "livechatsessionRowKey": "2c6a0cd1-863f-4e7e-bc7d-fcc3d4b34f9e",
  "surveyJSON": {
    "customerName": "John Smith",
    "customerId": "CUS123456",
    "policyNumber": "POL-987654",
    "inquiryType": "Claims",
    "contactNumber": "+65 9123 4567",
    "preferredContactTime": "Morning"

Retrieve survey data for a specific livechat session

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/livechatsessions/:RowKey/survey

Path Parameters

Parameter Example Description
RowKey cl8e3ou5o001jp4oqadvzdc8u The livechat session RowKey


Field Type Description
livechatsessionRowKey string The RowKey of the livechat session
surveyData object The survey data submitted for this livechat session

Create a Livechat Session

curl -X POST [API_URL]/create-livechatsession
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f" \
  -d '{"agentName":"John Doe", "agentEmail":"", "agentId" : "Y6YXNk", "userId": "a304194d-e301-4d49-8910-84d3561852ac"}'

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

    "interactions": [
    "meta": {},
    "agents": [
    "tags": [
    "status": "attending",
    "resolved": false,
    "formData": {
        "channel": "Web Chat"
    "RowKey": "cl8e3ou5o001jp4oqadvzdc8u",
    "PartitionKey": "localhost",
    "date_created": "2022-09-23T06:27:08.845Z",
    "last_modified": "2022-09-23T06:46:36.444Z",
    "user_id": "a304194d-e301-4d49-8910-84d3561852ac",
    "sessionId": "3257b6ed-7751-4fce-b37e-b3a1c452799b",
    "startQueueTime": "2022-09-23T06:27:08.845Z",
    "startResolveTime": "2022-09-23T06:46:36.443Z",
    "endResolveTime": null,
    "endedBy": null,
    "department": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "provider": "keyreply",
    "waiting_for_assignment": false

Create a new livechat session

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

POST [API_URL]/create-livechatsession

Path Parameters

No path parameters required.


Parameter Mandatory Description Example Value
agentId required Unique agent ID from your system AGENT007
agentName required Agent name to be shown in livechat message James Bond
agentEmail required Agent email to be shown on audit page
userId required Visitor ID that will be pulled into livechat session

Chat Events

Chat events are data containing all events that occur during a chat session. This data is similar to what is shown in the "Visitor" tab -> "Show visitor interactions"

All requests for events data begin with /events

Get All Events

curl "[API_URL]/events?fromDate=2022-08-01&toDate=2022-08-31" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "count": 26402,
  "results": [
      "RowKey": "cl7a99ayh00xgk8oq37ddfk22",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "last_modified": "2022-08-26T09:12:14.778Z",
      "date_created": "2022-08-26T09:12:14.778Z",
      "data": "handover_livechat_agent_join",
      "event": "GOTO",
      "page_id": "localhost",
      "source": "webchat",
      "user_id": "78c82d51-b89a-4c32-94ec-b872718d656c",
      "session": "78c82d51-b89a-4c32-94ec-b872718d656c",
      "from": "CS_Help_livechat_SMS_Auto"
      "RowKey": "cl7a99a9d00x0k8oqa8ti57bg",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "last_modified": "2022-08-26T09:12:13.874Z",
      "date_created": "2022-08-26T09:12:13.874Z",
      "data": "handover_livechat_agent_join",
      "event": "GOTO",
      "page_id": "localhost",
      "source": "webchat",
      "user_id": "616610a9-5299-4e0c-a244-026f09f76a40",
      "session": "616610a9-5299-4e0c-a244-026f09f76a40",
      "from": "handover_livechat_wait"

This endpoint retrieves all events based on specified conditions.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/events

Query Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Default Description Example
fromDate required ISO 8601 format 2022-08-01
toDate required ISO 8601 format 2022-08-31
sort optional desc "asc" (ascending) or "desc" (descending) desc
limit optional 100 Maximum number of records to return 10
offset optional 0 Number of records to skip 10
event optional Filter by event name message
PartitionKey optional Filter by PartitionKey
userId optional Filter by user ID 5db0d549-c45a-439d-af6a-ab91aa85eaf0
session optional Filter by session ID d5dfee60-2137-4cb2-b84a-3c3ddc106dc3


Ratings are data containing feedback given by visitors at the end of their livechat sessions.

All requests for ratings data begin with /ratings

Get All Ratings

curl "[API_URL]/ratings?fromDate=2022-08-01&toDate=2022-08-31" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "count": 1,
  "results": [
      "RowKey": "cl3p7b0x9001an9oq9xeg0fh5",
      "PartitionKey": "AIA",
      "last_modified": "2022-05-28T01:35:19.150Z",
      "date_created": "2022-05-28T01:35:19.150Z",
      "rating": 1,
      "user": "74bff792-baf9-49f0-8e0e-af9cf103e5ab",
      "rating_comment": null,
      "sessionId": "369cd0bb-f548-44e7-90b5-2bea538bc205",
      "category": null,
      "livechatsession_id": "cl3p7alve000pn9oq0r900u9x"

This endpoint retrieves all ratings based on specified conditions.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/ratings

Query Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Default Description Example
fromDate required ISO 8601 format 2022-08-01
toDate required ISO 8601 format 2022-08-31
sort optional desc "asc" (ascending) or "desc" (descending) desc
limit optional 100 Maximum number of records to return 10
offset optional 0 Number of records to skip 10
rating optional Filter by rating value 1
userId optional Filter by user ID 5db0d549-c45a-439d-af6a-ab91aa85eaf0

Form Results

Form results contain data from forms created in the form builder (not from post-livechat surveys) that visitors have completed. This data is similar to what is shown in "Editor" -> "Form" -> "Results"

All requests for form results data begin with /form-results

Get Form Results

curl "[API_URL]/form-results?fromDate=2022-08-01&toDate=2022-08-31" \
  -H "x-api-key: 9cac117e-d211-4193-9068-74ec449011f"

Successful request will return the following JSON structure:

  "count": 171,
  "results": [
      "RowKey": "cl8b75ubl0049n6oq1758hp4x",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "last_modified": "2022-09-21T05:41:02.529Z",
      "date_created": "2022-09-21T05:41:02.529Z",
      "source": "webchat",
      "type": "reply",
      "user_id": "2c6a0cd1-863f-4e7e-bc7d-fcc3d4b34f9e",
      "session": "59e6e15f-080d-4007-82bc-3591b9808c96",
      "data": {
        "content": [
            "text": "Agent Yudha has joined the chat.",
            "buttons": []
        "listStyle": null,
        "options": {
          "disableTextInput": false,
          "feedbackCollectionMode": "default",
          "nodeId": "handover_livechat_agent_join"
        "meta": {
          "hideSuggestions": false,
          "lang": "default"

This endpoint retrieves all form results based on specified conditions.

Example use cases:

HTTP Request

GET [API_URL]/form-results

Query Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Default Description Example
fromDate required ISO 8601 format 2022-08-01
toDate required ISO 8601 format 2022-08-31
sort optional desc "asc" (ascending) or "desc" (descending) desc
limit optional 100 Maximum number of records to return 10
offset optional 0 Number of records to skip 10
formId optional Filter by form ID d5dfee60-2137-4cb2-b84a-3c3ddc106dc3
userId optional Filter by user ID 5db0d549-c45a-439d-af6a-ab91aa85eaf0
sessionId optional Filter by session ID d5dfee60-2137-4cb2-b84a-3c3ddc106dc3

Event Hooks

This section describes all events that trigger requests to your specified endpoint. You can configure a single request URL for all events through "Settings -> Developer." The URL must include the full protocol (e.g., ""). When an event is triggered, our system sends a POST request to this endpoint.

Every request body contains four required JSON keys: "id", "event", "payload", and "sentAt".

Parameter Description Example
id Unique identifier of the payload, used for idempotency checks (preventing duplicate request processing) cledva3j10014088z0dtj0f8s
sentAt Timestamp in ISO string format indicating when the request was sent 2023-08-04T03:16:56.937Z
event Name of the event "handover:afterLivechatSessionEnded"
payload Data object containing event-specific information {RowKey: "...", ...}

Getting Started

To begin, configure the outgoing request settings in the developer module.




When a Visitor Sends a Text Message

Triggered when:

Example use cases:


  "id": "clkw0kqgb001cw3bp53gq5gl7",
  "event": "bot:beforeTextHandler",
  "payload": {
    "visitor": {
      "RowKey": "e229a5cd-8bfc-44d3-99cc-589dcc8af1c6",
      "PartitionKey": "",
      "session_id": "c98817d2-ed3b-4162-b865-bbe66ae831a0"
    "text": "talk to agent"
  "sentAt": "2023-08-04T03:16:17.771Z"

After an Agent Changes Status

Triggered when:

Example use cases:


  "id": "clkw0lko9002lw3bp53qf2v8j",
  "event": "handover:agentChangedStatus",
  "payload": {
    "agent": "",
    "status": "OFFLINE",
    "startTime": "2023-08-04T03:16:56.829Z",
    "departments": ["department A", "department B"],
    "previousStatus": "ONLINE"
  "sentAt": "2023-08-04T03:16:56.937Z"

After a Visitor Requests a Livechat

Triggered when:

Example use cases:


  "id": "clkw0ktxa001xw3bpewv55oiy",
  "event": "handover:afterUserRequestedLivechat",
  "payload": {
    "visitor": {
      "RowKey": "e229a5cd-8bfc-44d3-99cc-589dcc8af1c6",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "session_id": "c98817d2-ed3b-4162-b865-bbe66ae831a0",
      "userQueryTopic": "department A"
    "livechat": {
      "RowKey": "clkw0ktug001vw3bp5soc694a",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "startQueueTime": "2023-08-04T03:16:22.170Z",
      "startResolveTime": "2023-08-04T03:16:22.171Z",
      "agents": [],
      "date_created": "2023-08-04T03:16:22.171Z",
      "tags": [
      "resolved": false,
      "user_id": "e229a5cd-8bfc-44d3-99cc-589dcc8af1c6",
      "department": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "sessionId": "c98817d2-ed3b-4162-b865-bbe66ae831a0",
      "waiting_for_assignment": true,
      "status": "pending",
      "formData": {
        "channel": "Web Chat"
      "provider": "keyreply"
  "sentAt": "2023-08-04T03:16:22.270Z"

After an Agent Joins a Livechat

Triggered when:

Example use cases:


  "id": "clkw0kw0l0025w3bp21cq5i3m",
  "event": "handover:afterAgentJoinedLivechat",
  "payload": {
    "visitor": {
      "RowKey": "e229a5cd-8bfc-44d3-99cc-589dcc8af1c6",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "session_id": "c98817d2-ed3b-4162-b865-bbe66ae831a0",
      "userQueryTopic": "department A"
    "livechat": {
      "meta": {},
      "agents": [""],
      "tags": [
      "status": "attending",
      "resolved": false,
      "formData": {
        "channel": "Web Chat"
      "RowKey": "clkw0ktug001vw3bp5soc694a",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "date_created": "2023-08-04T03:16:22.171Z",
      "last_modified": "2023-08-04T03:16:24.406Z",
      "user_id": "e229a5cd-8bfc-44d3-99cc-589dcc8af1c6",
      "sessionId": "c98817d2-ed3b-4162-b865-bbe66ae831a0",
      "startQueueTime": "2023-08-04T03:16:22.172Z",
      "startResolveTime": "2023-08-04T03:16:24.406Z",
      "endResolveTime": null,
      "endedBy": null,
      "department": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "provider": "keyreply",
      "waiting_for_assignment": false
  "sentAt": "2023-08-04T03:16:24.981Z"

After an Agent Accepted a Livechat Invitation

Triggered when:


  "id": "clkw0kw0l0025w3bp21cq5i3m",
  "event": "handover:afterAgentAcceptedInvitation",
  "payload": {
    "visitor": {
      "RowKey": "e229a5cd-8bfc-44d3-99cc-589dcc8af1c6",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "session_id": "c98817d2-ed3b-4162-b865-bbe66ae831a0",
      "userQueryTopic": "department A"
    "livechat": {
      "meta": {},
      "agents": ["", ""],
      "tags": [
      "status": "attending",
      "resolved": false,
      "formData": {
        "channel": "Web Chat"
      "RowKey": "clkw0ktug001vw3bp5soc694a",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "date_created": "2023-08-04T03:16:22.171Z",
      "last_modified": "2023-08-04T03:16:24.406Z",
      "user_id": "e229a5cd-8bfc-44d3-99cc-589dcc8af1c6",
      "sessionId": "c98817d2-ed3b-4162-b865-bbe66ae831a0",
      "startQueueTime": "2023-08-04T03:16:22.172Z",
      "startResolveTime": "2023-08-04T03:16:24.406Z",
      "endResolveTime": null,
      "endedBy": null,
      "department": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "provider": "keyreply",
      "waiting_for_assignment": false
  "sentAt": "2023-08-04T03:16:24.981Z"

After Livechat Session Ends

Triggered when:

Example use cases:


  "id": "clkw0le1t002iw3bpdnsagsoz",
  "event": "handover:afterLivechatSessionEnded",
  "payload": {
    "visitor": {
      "RowKey": "e229a5cd-8bfc-44d3-99cc-589dcc8af1c6",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "session_id": "c98817d2-ed3b-4162-b865-bbe66ae831a0",
      "userQueryTopic": "department A"
    "livechat": {
      "meta": {},
      "agents": [""],
      "tags": [
      "status": "resolved",
      "resolved": true,
      "formData": {
        "channel": "Web Chat"
      "RowKey": "clkw0ktug001vw3bp5soc694a",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "date_created": "2023-08-04T03:16:22.171Z",
      "last_modified": "2023-08-04T03:16:48.282Z",
      "user_id": "e229a5cd-8bfc-44d3-99cc-589dcc8af1c6",
      "sessionId": "c98817d2-ed3b-4162-b865-bbe66ae831a0",
      "startQueueTime": "2023-08-04T03:16:22.172Z",
      "startResolveTime": "2023-08-04T03:16:24.406Z",
      "endResolveTime": "2023-08-04T03:16:48.282Z",
      "endedBy": "agent",
      "department": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "provider": "keyreply",
      "waiting_for_assignment": false
  "sentAt": "2023-08-04T03:16:48.353Z"

After a Livechat is Escalated

Triggered when:

Example use cases:

Payload information:


  "id": "clos331xj005bw0bq7phx0upq",
  "event": "handover:afterLivechatSessionEscalated",
  "payload": {
    "visitor": {
      "userQueryTopic": "department B",
      "RowKey": "9f56c9ee-af55-4ff2-bc72-66757fe42903",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "session_id": "a46becd6-b456-4826-9123-7ca5dc413581"
    "livechat": {
      "meta": {
        "escalate_logs": "[{\"department\":\"department A\",\"date_created\":\"2023-11-10T03:54:06.785Z\"}]"
      "agents": [""],
      "tags": [
      "status": "resolved",
      "resolved": true,
      "formData": {
        "channel": "Web Chat"
      "RowKey": "clos3235k004jw0bqfjgs0t91",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "date_created": "2023-11-10T03:53:31.256Z",
      "last_modified": "2023-11-10T03:54:07.327Z",
      "user_id": "9f56c9ee-af55-4ff2-bc72-66757fe42903",
      "sessionId": "a46becd6-b456-4826-9123-7ca5dc413581",
      "startQueueTime": "2023-11-10T03:53:31.257Z",
      "startResolveTime": "2023-11-10T03:53:34.033Z",
      "endResolveTime": "2023-11-10T03:54:07.327Z",
      "endedBy": "agent",
      "department": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "provider": "keyreply",
      "waiting_for_assignment": false
    "escalatedLivechat": {
      "RowKey": "clos32v4k005aw0bq0pb0eszo",
      "PartitionKey": "localhost",
      "startQueueTime": "2023-11-10T03:54:07.509Z",
      "startResolveTime": "2023-11-10T03:54:07.509Z",
      "agents": [],
      "date_created": "2023-11-10T03:54:07.509Z",
      "tags": [
      "resolved": false,
      "user_id": "9f56c9ee-af55-4ff2-bc72-66757fe42903",
      "department": "b26a630e-e388-4c64-a415-429d1a97f1ae",
      "sessionId": "a46becd6-b456-4826-9123-7ca5dc413581",
      "waiting_for_assignment": true,
      "status": "pending",
      "formData": {
        "channel": "Web Chat"
      "provider": "keyreply",
      "meta": {
        "escalate_logs": "[{\"department\":\"department A\",\"date_created\":\"2023-11-10T03:54:06.785Z\"}]"
  "sentAt": "2023-11-10T03:54:16.330Z"

After Agent Updates Livechat Form Data

Triggered when:

Example use cases:


  "id": "clkw0le1t002iw3bpdnsagsoz",
  "event": "handover:afterFormDataUpdate",
  "payload": {
    "livechatsessionRowKey": "clos3235k004jw0bqfjgs0t91",
    "surveyJSON": {
      "customerName": "John Smith",
      "customerId": "CUS123456",
      "policyNumber": "POL-987654",
      "inquiryType": "Claims",
      "contactNumber": "+65 9123 4567",
      "preferredContactTime": "Morning"
  "sentAt": "2024-12-24T02:35:44.353Z"

When Agent Sends Text Message

Triggered when:

Example use cases:


  "id": "cm46uncfs00040ck1frox1ulc",
  "event": "handover:afterAgentReply",
  "payload": {
    "recipient": {
      "RowKey": "e229a5cd-8bfc-44d3-99cc-589dcc8af1c6",
      "PartitionKey": "",
      "session_id": "c98817d2-ed3b-4162-b865-bbe66ae831a0"
    "agentMeta": {
      "email": "",
      "name": "Support Agent",
      "alias": "SA"
    "text": "Hi, this is your agent assisting you today, how can I help you?"
  "sentAt": "2024-12-02T03:16:17.771Z"

When a Visitor Requests for Singpass Login

Triggered when:

Example use cases:


  "id": "clkw0kqgb001cw3bp53gq5gl7",
  "event": "singpass:requestLogin",
  "payload": {
    "visitor": {
      "RowKey": "e229a5cd-8bfc-44d3-99cc-589dcc8af1c6",
      "PartitionKey": "",
      "session_id": "c98817d2-ed3b-4162-b865-bbe66ae831a0"
  "sentAt": "2023-08-04T03:16:17.771Z"

Receiving WhatsApp Notification Event

Triggered when:

Example use cases:

Payload information:

Payload type:

  id: string;
  event: "whatsapp:notification";
  payload: {
    id: string;
    status: "sent" | "delivered" | "read" | "failed" | "deleted";
    timestamp: string; // unix format
    recipient_phone_number: string; // non-seperatable from country code
    business_phone_number: string; // non-seperatable from country code
    template_id: string;
    template_version: string | null;
    error_log: string | null;
  sentAt: string; // ISO format


  "id": "cm2bnvgm1000f4ui1f1lhe97h",
  "event": "whatsapp:notification",
  "payload": {
    "status": "delivered",
    "id": "gBG******",
    "timestamp": "1729070401",
    "recipient_phone_number": "65*****",
    "business_phone_number": "65*****",
    "template_id": "template_test",
    "template_version": "en",
    "error_log": null
  "sentAt": "2024-10-16T09:20:01.753Z"
// message id and phone numbers are masked for doc purpose only


The KeyReply API uses the following HTTP status codes:

Status Code Description
400 Bad Request - The request format is invalid
401 Unauthorized - Invalid API key
403 Forbidden - Access restricted to administrators
404 Not Found - The requested resource does not exist
405 Method Not Allowed - Invalid HTTP method for this resource
429 Too Many Requests - Request rate limit exceeded
500 Internal Server Error - Server encountered an error, please try again
503 Service Unavailable - System is under maintenance, please try again later